Nerve exposed on broken tooth

Nerve exposure almost always leads to the need for root canal treatment. The sooner you can get to the dentist the better. Do not touch the pink pulp as bacterial contamination is the enemy. Keep your mouth as clean as possible. Brush all the other teeth, tongue, and use piksters to keep area hygienic. The …

Dental Erosion

Dental Erosion was caused by lemon consumption over a lifetime. Lemons are highly acidic and strip the mineral enamel off the teeth every time the lemon juice makes contact. Other acids that can have similar effects are stomach acid (reflux), wine, sports drinks and acidic soft drinks like Coke, Pepsi, lemon squash etc. Switching to …

Porcelain onlays and Gold onlays

Amalgam (silver filling material) is a very strong metal that performs well under stress in molar teeth. The newer composite resin materials are not nearly as strong, and will require replacement every 5-7 years. See the image below how composite fails. To stop the cycle of having to redo fillings so frequently (or worse if …