Crowns wrap around the entire tooth. Weak teeth that have had large fillings will gain strength from crowns. Ceramic or Emax crowns have no metal and give a very natural translucent appearance
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Internal bleaching
Internal bleaching can revive a dark tooth after the nerve has died. The dark colour is inside the tooth and bleach is applied by drilling a small hole at the back. Sometimes the tooth returns to normal, however stubborn stains can defy even the strongest bleach. Results can be unpredictable.
Small chipped enamel with no pain
If small enough, the rough area can be smoothed over with a polishing drill and left as is. The dentist will need to know why the tooth chipped to prevent it happening again. Some common reasons are trauma (knocked it), bit hard on something, weakened enamel from acid erosion (such as acid reflux, frequent softdrink …
Broken front tooth requiring a filling
Front teeth can be filled with white composite resin, as an immediate fix. Front teeth are the first contact with food, and are under a lot of strain everyday. Enamel is very strong, however once a piece has broken, the replacement material – white composite resin – is nowhere near as strong. It is advised …