After 3 years, today is the day I hang up my scrubs as a Dental Assistant and say goodbye to everyone at Bytes Dental. These guys have not only been my colleagues, and great friends, but they have become family. I cannot thank them all enough for the love, support and friendship they have given …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
International Women’s Day
When I was young I was told by our school teachers that women can achieve the same career success as men. We were warned not to throw our career options away by getting pregnant too young. Just study hard and see how far you could go. Pregnancy, child bearing and family care were never factored …
Dental Decay
Some facts about dental decay: There are 4 ingredients to dental decay: Teeth + sugar + bacteria + time = Dental Decay. Remove any of these ingredients and decay will not happen. Decay is a preventable condition. Daily oral hygiene, including using dental floss, can protect teeth from decay. Spend time cleaning your teeth properly, …
Dental Bleaching – Internal
After root canal treatment, this tooth turned dark. It was bleached from the inside out, over 3 separate visits to give a better appearance. Bleaching is unpredictable and sometimes the dark tooth refuses to lighten up. A composite resin veneer would be another option to cover the front of the tooth, and mask the darkness …